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How to Make your Carpet Last Longer?

Carpets are the first line of defense against dirt in your house and they are also the first thing that people notice as soon as they enter the house. Carpets add to the aesthetic beauty of the house. Normally carpets get replaced every 7 years or when the house is being remodelled or sold. You can follow the following simple steps if you want your carpet to look fresh and new and also last longer.

No Shoes Inside the House

The soles of our shoes have lot of dirt stuck to them. Walking into the house with the shoes on will lead to deposition of this dirt on the carpet. The dirt easily sticks onto the fiber of the carpet. The dirt not only damages the fiber of the carpet but also settles on it and makes the carpet look old. With time the dirt seeps into the carpet and eats away the fiber.

So follow a strict policy of no shoes inside the house. Remove the shoes at the entrance. Many cultures follow the custom of removing the shoes outside before entering the house. You can also use an extra rug at the entrance so that anyone unaware of your rules does not spoil the carpet. Various tests have shown that it takes about 17 steps before the soles of your shoes can be clean. If you do not want to follow the no shoes policy you can use an extra rug for these 17 steps.

By following this method, you can keep your carpet clean and also extent the life of the carpet.

Give your Carpet to Professional Cleaners

Get your carpet cleaned by professional carpet cleaners at least once a year. Carpets are to be cleaned professionally every 18-24 months.

Give your carpets only to certified carpet cleaners and ask them to clean according to the specification given by the manufacturers. Do not give your carpet to non certified cleaners as they might use solutions that might harm the carpet. It is advisable to clean the carpets that are most used at least 2-4 times a year.


Vacuum your carpet regularly. Buy a good vacuum cleaner as the cheap ones might not pick up dirt. Keep your vacuum cleaner well maintained. Clean the air filters regularly and the brushes. Vacuum your carpets at least 2-3 times a week. If you have pets or small kids, vacuum more as the carpet will get dirty soon. Don’t just do one pass do at least 2-3 passes to remove the dirt properly.

Vacuum regularly if you want to keep the carpet clean and tidy.

Rotate your Furniture Regularly

Furniture leaves an impression on the carpet and dirt gets accumulated in these areas. Also these areas get rusted away easily. It is hard to clean these areas without removing the furniture. Rotate your furniture regularly so that there are no impressions on the carpet. By rotating the furniture, you can easily clean the carpet as well.

Clean Spills at Once

Spills can leave a permanent mark on your carpet if not cleaned at once and the various substances present in them can eat away your carpet. Clean the spills and spots at once. Use cleaning products that are recommended by your carpet manufacturer. Gently blot the spill to clean it properly do not over blot the carpet. Do not rub or scratch. Repeat the process twice or thrice to clean the carpet completely.

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